- Ridding your backyard of standing water.
- Common places include old tires, buckets, wheelbarrows, gutters, and pet dishes.
- Emptying plastic wading pools, birdbaths, plant pots, or drip trays every four to five days.
- Draining standing puddles, ditches, tree holes, or tree stumps.
- Ensuring your swimming pools and decorative ponds/fountains are clean and operational.
- Fixing or installing window and door screens around your home, and properly maintaining your evaporative cooler.
- Avoiding over-watering your lawn.
For more detailed information and to get an email with WHERE Maricopa county is spraying the pesticide go here.
You can help repel them for you naturally by applying these to your skin and you will smell great too!
Vanilla Oil – REAL vanilla oil from Mexico – repels mosquitoes
Lavender Oil – dab it on your wrists – repels mosquitoesFor more natural garden remedies from your kitchen click here.
Until next time - Happy Digging,
Doreen aka The Garden Goddess