Well, I am sure I have had the first of many lessons yet to come – whatever you plan to do will take longer than expected.
I thought we could remove all the bricks in one morning. I mean, it was kind of cool and overcast Sunday morning. The ground was very damp, so it was easy to push the shovel into the earth and pop up the bricks. Yet after 2 ½ hours, we still have the brick sidewalk to take up.

You’ll remember my concern for grass growing under the bricks? Well, here’s a photo to prove it. In fact, bermuda can grow into concrete. Some of the bricks had a lot of concrete holding them in.

There were also a few surprises, one of them being landscape fabric under the bricks. There was a shallow layer of dirt and sand on top of the fabric, so the bermuda grew there very happily as well.

We had some help with the task. Mischief, the black and brow tortoise-shell cat and Annie, my sweet spaniel supervised. Mischief wanted to help us dig the new trench between Mike’s yard and mine, but she got tired quickly and laid down to rest.
Speaking of that trench, Mike has a Bermuda lawn he wants to keep and I want him to keep it on his side, so I need to dig at least a 6-8 inch trench, pour in cement and build up a border high enough to keep the grass on his side. Another project to add to the list. We’ll do it together and have to watch out for the roots of the established Mulberry tree that sits on the property line.
In the meantime, the rains are helping to green up the grass. Now I just need another week to get the sidewalk bricks up and then another to let that grass thrive in the fresh air!
If you do not have the detailed how-to instructions on Bermuda Grass Removal, please visit this website at http://www.4dirs.com/fdpc/bermuda.html
Until the next time, Happy Digging
Doreen, THE Garden Goddess